Hairy Tranny Men calling themselves women are not giving up Male "Priviledge" but Male "Responsibility"
I watched in a recent debate with Steven Crowder and a tranny Mayor where the Tranny Mayor actually said that he gave up his Male "privilege" to become a woman. Okay lets talk about "male privilege" for a moment if I left my wife and kids as a straight cis male and decided that I would not support them anymore because lets say I desired the companionship of prostitutes there is a good chance that my former wife would do everything possible legally by these courts of the United States to get the money owed to her children. I think that is fair to say while I would be looked upon as a dead beat and a horrible father. I can see feminist outraged telling me I should be ashamed of myself for not taking responsibility for my family. I think they would have a right to be outraged. On the other hand in the case of a guy who chooses to live his life as a little girl is considered a hero even though he leaves his kids and wife to pursue his insanity. How is my lifestyle of sharing with prostitutes any different than an idiot who decides to put on a dress and walk off with a clean slate because he now has identified as a woman? This has happened before I know now that these men who want to put on a dress are not sacrificing privilege they are sacrificing responsibility.
1. Men are Natural Born Leaders
The African man who teaches his son to hunt because it is survival and he knows his son must be prepared to hunt 24 hours a day because he does not know when he has to be called to be the sole care giver of his family. If pregnancy was a factor in the Male hunter's life then it would weaken his chances of surviving. It is not Patriarchy it is nature. We as men have been given a strong responsibility if a Man does not take care of his own he is shamed and should rightfully so be if he chooses a wife which is a good thing taught by tradition it is his responsibility to rule with kindness and not meanness. If I raise my fist in anger against my wife I will most of the time be charged with assault not because of privilege but because of responsibility. I have great power being the stronger physical one in the male and female relationship and with great power according to Uncle Ben comes great responsibility. Boys dream of being Knights saving princesses from the dragons exposing their weakness because the dragon is stronger than the man and the Man needs to overcome the dragon with more then just brute force on the other hand girls dream of being a princess who are beautiful and worth being saved and there is a woman right now just completing a romance novel where the brute man is taking charge in the sexual intercourse with a woman because hey she likes it that way and you know what honestly a lot of women like it that way. It is called being a woman.
The word minister derives it's meaning from the word servant. If You become a leader you provide a service to others one service could be leadership and Morale. If you choose the role of a leader whether it be a Mother and Father or a Pastor or say a statesmen or foreman on a job there is a lot of sacrifice to get there. We as Americans are privileged. We were given one of the greatest gifts that God can bestow on any individual that gift is being an American. We as Americans knew when you were a child that sex roles were given by God whether it be male or female and we know through science that men and women are not equal. I can't have babies and well Women make terrible Navy S.E.A.L.S deal with it Demi Moore. I think it is a little sacrifice that I cannot enjoy the suffering and joy of Motherhood on the other hand women sacrifice the physicality that men are given so they can become good mothers. This is just nature go to any tribe around the world and you will see that is the way it is Women Mother and Men Father. It does not mean they will always be good mothers and fathers but regardless, it is what they are born to do. There is no conspiratorial group who flew to the jungles of Africa or the Amazon and said well Women you will give birth and Men well you will teach your child to Hunt.
2. There is nothing wrong with being a jerk for a good cause.
The point is there is two choices for many men in this modern age accept your responsibility as a man or reject it and put on a dress and be praised by the social warriors as a hero and then years later realize that you might have made a wrong choice. I think that many men have felt the stress of the choice of being a man. In today's society there is Father's day and that is about it for men who take care of their children. Then there are Fatherless men who feel less of men because they do not have heir's to the throne. Whether or not you are a Father or not the role of leader falls upon your shoulders many times whether it be a minister in a church or Sunday School teacher or Coach or Manager at work. You are criticized when you do not step up to these roles many times. Young men come up to you for leadership. The old proverb that talks about as a man gets older he becomes the wise sage the woman however fades out as does her beauty rings true today. When Laci Green gets fat and old and ugly no one will listen to her spout victimhood status that is the way it is. The worst thing is that women will be the ones who won't listen to her. That is the way it is. As I get older in life it is the men who act like "real Men" who impress me the most the "Jerks" the guys who stand by their principles who impress me the most. The men who act like victims do not impress me. The men who realize they have a job to do and won't be rewarded for it. Those guys really make me want to be a man more. I have no idea why a Man would give up his responsibility as a man? I can understand the choice of not accepting the path that is rough in becoming a man and I have been there. God is molding me right now in my life to make that step in becoming a better man. A Man of His own choosing and the first step is to stop listening to the temptation of becoming a victim.
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