I find it funny when people get so mad at the Alt-right, I imagine The Alt-right slogan should be "Fighting to be left alone". I think they want to be left alone while The Alt-Left wants Strong Central government in every aspect of your life. The Alt Left wants to prevent parents from teaching their kids the way the parents see fit. I do not want to see any member of Civil Government teaching any kids about sex can you imagine Bill Clinton and Donald Trump teaching young people about Abstinence what a horrifying imagery? I rather any parent left or right teach their own child about sex. We have been hit so hard with left propaganda from the days of Norman Lear television to SJW's Like Laci Green/ Propaganda films and Propaganda material that has been used to bring about sympathy for the left for many years and still they are doing everything they can to make their case just like the communist did for many years. Many things the communist represented in the days of Stalin are supported by the left but this goes unheard by mainstream media the only ones really bringing this out have been Anti-Sjw's and The "Alt-right".
Ones that seem to point out leftist Propaganda and sometime unknowingly have been Anti-Sjw's. I look at every meme that feminist put out and Most of them look a lot like something that Mao Tse Tung would put out to remind people to stay communist. The Anime conventions are becoming the worst.You know anime where we find magical girls in revealing clothes being raped by tentacles, I am not judging if you are into that. I like very few Anime, The Anime better have action or a good story not just porn for teenage girls or boys.
Lets look at a feminist Panel shall we. We had Anime and Feminism w
here we learned that Panty shots are not only objectification,
but also may work to “weaken” a character through the shame of being “revealed” that way. It makes a female character less empowered or impressive by placing this shame on them. The tendency within shows and fandoms to pit “fan servicey” characters against “moe” characters is problematic because both are the products of misogyny, and the “fight” between them amounts of slut-shaming a lot of the time. Really?! Hold up a minute the Panty shots are bad but we cannot Slut Shame them... They are freaking Anime Characters!
Okay lets face its Japan does not have a history of being the big feminist country where the home of manga and Anime comes from and they have that right to reject feminism such as I do. There are probably a few feminist in Japan but they would probably be associated with the Left side of politics or dare I say the Communist which are more prevalent in the neighboring Asian countries. We know today if it was not for the right notion of Capitalism Japan would be a failing country.
What am I trying to say here? You better think of a clever way to get justice and free speech in our Anime Conventions and our schools or we are going to lose our place in the battle for free speech.
You cannot claim to be a victim and then demand that you are an equal that is just dumb. If you were truly equal you would need no protection. The more anti-Muslims videos I make the more money is taken away from me through videos not allowed to be monetized. How long will it be before YouTube will stop monetizing Anti-feminist videos? I will say not long.