There was a time when I posted a video about anything with Transgender in the title on any of my YouTube videos It would be disliked on YouTube almost immediately. Now I watch cartoon bears and frogs constantly make fun of transgender whiny babies and use cuss words to get a point across.
I always tried to be reasonable when I presented my arguments in the past. I had a video that was flagged for hate because I spoke about a stupid transgender law in California which would be a terrible precedent of things to come. I actually argued with YouTube after researching the video myself and not finding the word hate in the video and you know what YouTube agreed with me and unblocked the video.
I know most parents whether they be liberal or conservative do not want a 40 year old hairy man in a dress peeing in front of an adorable six year old big eyed girl. It is just a horrible imagery or basically we do not want our magical girls sharing the same bathroom stalls with Tentacle monsters. I hope everyone agrees with me on that. A lot of what I believe is from years of experience and reading both sides of any argument and coming to the conclusion of what makes the most sense.
I will be honest what I find today is that most people are dumb just watch Mark Dice videos if you do not believe me. I find the Asexual cult as nothing more than another "Shaker type" "religious cult". There is no scientific basis that Humankind is Asexual. Why do I make this conclusion? The scientific evidence leads me to believe that Humans are sexual reproductive in nature. Anyone that is Human claiming to be an Asexual is making a mockery of what Scientist went for many years of college to become scientist for. You made the choice to "restrict" yourself from sex from others and not to mention so many of you are probably "playing with yourselves in a sexual manner" so in essence you are nothing more than a cult or religious movement like the "Shakers" who denied each other of the pleasures of Sex. Now I am not picking on the new Shakers cult just because they are easy to pick on but I am just making a point there is different ways to disagree with people besides cussing at them .
Wow I know that is a huge Introduction just to get to a simple point. I will now just jump into what I am trying to say Anti-SJW videos are Huge!! I feel in my Heart I was one of the First to make videos like the Popular Anti-SJW videos on YouTube that are popular today except I used more reason if you want to believe that. I was mad at myself because sometimes I felt I went too far but now I am mad that I did not go far enough.

Now on to what you guys have been waiting for, are there good anti-SJW videos? Yes there are! Why do I say this because it leads me to links posted on the Anti-SJW videos to some of the funniest leftist videos and articles that I have ever met and gets me to be an anti-SJW's SJW, yes I use Social Justice Warrior mentality to unlike a video of these hilarious idiots from Transgender religious nuts to Eco People who have sex with the earth. I cannot even begin to explain why these videos get so many views well it is explained supposedly by the you tuber "cult of dusty" who claims that Anti-SJW's videos are a money making fad. I know it is a fad but some see like me a good place to start a conversation, but I see SJW videos as a way to start a conversation as well. We should allow all conversations whether it be SJW or Anti-SJW and it has been that way for awhile .I cannot see Dusty's point connecting Alt-right to Ani-SJW's that is bad as me connecting SJW's to liberalism which I have before. I did not vote for Trump but I find Anti-SJW videos entertaining.
I think Cult of Dusty has butt hurt that people do not see his side of the Argument. Hey I have been there as well. I still will try to reason with people today on any subject and that is my style and if I make fun of them as well oh well get over it.
I think the Cult of Dusty is like the kid who wants to play GI Joes while everyone is playing Poke man Go, hold on a minute I think I found a jiggly puff or is that a triggly puff? Why I have chose this subject to talk about and bring up about my return to YouTube? Yes that is right I left YouTube for a while and one reason was that I went back to filming at Comic, Anime and Sci-Fi and Horror conventions. I like everyone who has been to these cons have seen the growing SJW's at the cons and influences of the SJW's crowd there and it is time that Anti-SJW's take there message there. Anita Sarkeesian and Laci Green are winning there at the cons and it is time for Anti-SJW's to take their messages to panels there. I have come to the reality of what the SJW crowd has done and I hope to continue this subject in another blog on how important the Anti-SJW crowd can be.