Monday, November 21, 2016

Indian Money or Fake Money?

 Can you imagine if you will, of course that is tough for anyone today to use your imagination due to the time we have to take out for checking our social media updates and photographing our food for Instagram but lets say you went to your local store to buy a stick of gum because you are out and you pulled out two dollars to pay for your stick of "fruity juicy gum" at the convenient store. The Convenient store clerk tells you that your money is no good not because it has vote for "Ron Paul 2012" on it but because it is the American Paper dollar. Any true American would do the American thing and pull out their credit card and have to then endure the endless emails sent to you on the sale of "fruity juicy gum" but that is not the point. Your paper money is worthless in the scenario. Of course you are saying that is fearmongering horse crap, oh really tell that to the citizens of India where they found that there paper currency was deemed worthless by the civil government of India.
 Hey I think it is time we talk about the value of Gold and Silver and other precious metals, for instance say any bank institution in America failed you know like Chase Manhattan or what other financial intuition in America that gives out plastic, let us say all them falters guess what stays valuable?
  Precious metals do stay valuable that is right Gold, Silver and of course what other valuable metals out there because if you do not take them you are just plain stupid. They remain constantly valuable unless someone finds a mine which would make them less valuable because of the increase of the precious metal now lets say that happens then the metal would not be precious. I highly doubt anyone reading this has a gold mine in their back yard and that is why paper money anytime the civil government  wants to can declare paper money not valuable.The Indian money that is now worthless, unless you are a collector of worthless money, I highly doubt anyone is rushing out right now to buy the worthless declared money of India.
 I will try to put this in perspective for you if our Civil Government declared the dollar as worthless it is hard to believe anyone around the world would pay face value for the American dollar. However if the American Civil Government declared Gold as not being valuable or worthless people on the London stock exchange would not care, people at the Tokyo stock exchange would not care. I could probably trade Gold or silver with people in England or Japan because hey gold is valuable regardless whether or not our civil government accepts it that is something to think about.

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