One of the most stupid things that a Millionaire sport stars do is get married at a young age. I will give you some examples Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, and Mike Tyson all guilty of getting married to young or marrying someone who is too young. You are young you are rich You can take your time if a woman is rushing you to get married it is a good sign she is a Golddigger! First of all if you are wanting just sex why would you do it Why would you get Married? There are escorts that go for a 2,000 dollars a day in Carson city Nevada it would be a lot cheaper than all the legal crap you have to go through for Marriage it would cost you less in a divorce and all the headaches and worries. Is it companionship? If that is the case then create yourself a fake facebook account and find someone to talk to out there but goodness sake you are young and rich don't get married! See the world see something!You can hire a tour Guide join the national Guard like a lot of Athletes do but please do not give up on your dream by signing anything committing yourself legally to anyone unless you two have gained each other's trust maybe you dated her before college or before you were an athlete maybe someone like that but not some model you saw or actress at a game. She will bleed you dry and especially here in America where all women must be treated as a princesses no matter how slutty they are. This is another reason why I would leave the United States As a Millionaire Business owner. I would set up a business in Dubai where Beautiful Prostitutes run like water and I would hire me some great Nepal worker expats who I would pay maybe ten dollars an hour which I would have to pay probably for the same work I would have to pay three times more in The UNited States for doing the same job and not counting Insurance and what other crappy legalities I have to abide by. I would be respected in Dubai because hey I am bringing money in their economy where here the home of freedom I am called evil for employing people and I am at risk if I practice my religious beliefs having my business taken away or fined well not anymore thanks Hobby Lobby. We live in a sick society where a man of Faith who brings jobs to people is criticized and demonized and a man who dresses in a dress and lies to everyone that he is a woman because he takes medication that keeps his testerone down is a hero.
No in Dubai Mr. Green would not have to put up with the crap that he gets here employing many people but here he gets the right to worship his God by his conscience unlike Dubai where there is no religious freedom. I have great respect for anyone who has that great love for his God and his Country because I really don't. I have a feeling if I had Millions I would up and leave and enjoy the benefits of being rich but then I guess I do not have the heart and the Kindness and faith in Americans as much as he does so in some way I am Thankful God has not made me a millionaire. Maybe if God does make me the next Steve Jobs maybe by that time He would have soften my heart enough to keep up the good fight because what is at stake is a country that needs to get back to the Constitution and that is a far greater need than any riches on the face of the earth.
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