Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Ten things Far Worse than the Belief of Racism
There is a lot of talk about Racism. We have comedians and businessmen and women, Entertainers all apologizing for just making statements that are stereotyping a certain race and a culture however racism is the belief that one race is far superior than another race. I know that Racism is a bad belief system but you know what, racism does not and can’t hold a gun and racism well it can’t physically kill. I know that to stereotype an entire group of people is just plain silly but I cannot blame racism for the world problems for Instance I fear crimes of passion than I do crimes of racism because if you look it up crimes of passion regarding jealous lovers and cheating wives and other domestic and spousal type crime flood this country but no one calls for special “ Love Crimes” . As bad as these people are who are called racist there are far worse things than racism because basically if you look at the truth, people who use these “ Racist Statements” are merely following a trend I grew up with called teasing or name calling. I grew up just like many American kids as a kid many of us were teased and called various names such as fat or cracker or whatever but instead of many parents running to Jesse Jackson for help my Mom and Dad would tell me remember sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me. It seems today in this mob justice mentality which many have changed the term mob justice to social justice.
- Dropping out of School is far worse than racism. 8 percent of Magical Ponies will drop out of School which is the second largest of any group of people here in America and a far improvement than the Traditional 14 percent that I grew up with and again Dropping out of School is far worse than racism as we have been told without Education you do not get a good job in this country
- Domestic Violence against women is definitely far worse than Racism ask any woman. Female Magical Ponies experience more than 35% percent of Domestic Violence in this country than the predominantly group of certain people in this country
- Rape is Worse Than racism on Magical Pony TV they focus on the other R word. Over 35,000 of women in this country of a certain look were raped by Male Magical Ponies in 2013 .Magical Ponies are more likely to commit 7.5 times more “Intergroup” crime than any other group in this country
- Fatherless Families are far more worse than racism. In the Magical Pony Community according to one of the most trusted media commentators in this country he gave a report saying that more than 72 percent of Magical Ponies grow up without Fathers in this country. I really find this hard to believe but this was confirmed 2 years earlier as well but still again Fatherless children are far worse than Racism
Slavery Is far worse than Racism. In the Magical Land of Mafrica The Continent and Magical land most Magical Ponies claim residents and praise as the Paradise of many Magical Ponies who claim is heaven on earth where as in this country known as America, Slavery has been banned for about 200 years and the Magical Ponies know very much about slavery because many were descendants of slaves instead of screaming about how about 0.7 percent almost 1% of citizens of the Continent of Mafrica will be slaves We seemed to be more concerned about racism.
- Stealing is far worse than racism Imagine working hard for everything you bought whether you be like most Americans who work two jobs to obtain what you want and then come home from work and find what you worked hard for is gone It is a shame most of that is the sad story of most Magical Ponies who grow up and live in the Magical Pony community. In most statistics that are put out about crime when it comes to thieving or stealing the Magical Pony community is not the highest in this statistic. The Crime of stealing against their own kind however is very disturbing and yes stealing is far worse than racism.
- Destruction of Property far worse than Racism in a recent mob attack of the local Store in Georgia. Magical Ponies just went into a store and just damaged 2000$ of merchandise this is not the first time there was a krogers as well earlier reported and I remember a clerk being beaten for no apparent reason at all. I will say it again Property damage is far worse than Racism!
- Religious persecution is far worse than racism and again in the land of Mafrica there is Religious persecution and in Central Mafrica ranks number 17 on the religious Persecution of Christians in the World.
- Murder well that is far worse than racism. In the Magical Pony community A 2007 special report released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, reveals that approximately 8,000 — and, in certain years, as many as 9,000 Magical Ponies are murdered annually in the United States. This chilling figure is accompanied by another equally sobering fact, that 93% of these murders are in fact perpetrated by other Magical Ponies. The analysis, supported by FBI records, finds that in 2005 alone, for example, Magical Ponies Accounted for 49% of all homicide victims in the US — again, almost exclusively at the hands of other Magical ponies. This is no Surprise but Murder is worse than Racism.
- A Strong Central Government with no checks and balances and trumping the Constitution is far worse every time than the belief of racism. The Magical pony community is tricked in bringing a strong central government into a constitutional republic they are duped into the con game of the ongoing attempt to bring tyranny in this country. Local Rights and Community rights are checks and balances for a large central government for instance when Local Government is given local authority it is far easier to leave an unjust community than an unjust country. Every year the Magical pony Community is told by the media and strong central government that they are too dumb to handle local injustices on their own and in the process the first amendment is thrown out and the fourth and fifth and the tenth. The Constitution was the national document that has helped assured people that they can speak their mind no matter what their religious, or racial or even national background was that is the United States Constitution and what it is all about. Strong Central Government without any Checks and Balance has led to millions of death whether the central government Dictator be Racist or Communist. The truth is some of your biggest critics of Strong Central Government are deemed racist. I have friends that are of Various religions and racial background and even some that are Magical Ponies but I want them to Understand that we are in an ongoing debate over a strong central government vs checks and balance by the people and local communities. Racism maybe a bad belief system but it is not the unforgivable sin that everyone projects it to be. I do not care if the person is taking my rights away is racist or socialist or even Catholic. I just care that my rights are being taken away and your right is the right to be a racist see the first Amendment for further details but if a strong central government can say that you cannot believe that one race is far superior than another which is a hilariously ridiculous Idea but so is the global warming theory, Communism and Mormonism and Islam in my opinion. You know what you have a right to believe those things but you have no right to make me accept those ideas but where does it stop when central government tells you that you cannot be a racist? One day they are telling you cannot waive the Star and bars and the next day they are telling you cannot wave any flag but the flag that the strong central government tells you to. Oh yeah and again A strong Central Government without Checks and Balances is far worse than Racism
Magical ponies,
Social Justice,
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
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