Monday, June 22, 2015

Nothing is free

 Where do we the get the idea that we have free education or free anything for that matter? Nothing is free someone has to pay the bill. We have some of the dumbest people in todays economy schools that are graduating dumb people who think we print money from thin air. They do not understand that money has to be worth something and the faster we put out the money that is backed by no valuable or precious commodity the faster the money decreases in value. The taxpayer funded school must teach this idiotic theory of economy of spend, spend, spend and print and bailout because they want to have money and the only way they can convince the future tax payer to pay is to convince them that they are getting a "free Education" when in fact they are still paying for the education every time they shop and every time they get a pay check with taxes withdrawn. I really do not know if I have hope for this generation if they are so dumb to believe this age old lie.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Feminist from a regressive pagan School Takes Kids to sex shop!!

It looks like a religious feminist from a regressive liberal school have taken children to a sex shop to learn about sex the children were as young as 11 years old.
Yes that's Right The Smitten Kitten!

Biffburroughs Vlog Bruce Jenner Photoshopped into a Dress;