Okay Cher you know nothing About Terror then Shut Up!! Seriously!!
Russell Brand actually compares Fox news to Muslim Terrorist who killed people and then goes off on a tangent and wide eyed notion that the reason Rupert Murdoch "hates" Muslims because he is invested in an Israeli company. This sounds like a horrible Stereotype and borders on Anti Semitism. How do we know that the company is Anti-Muslim? I highly doubt a large company in this world does not employ some kind of Muslims. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that Rupert Murdoch "hates" Muslims Because I do not Know maybe because Muslims Attacks in Paris, Nigeria and Oklahoma, and New York City just to name a few. Russell Brand stop Spreading Anti Semitism we got enough of that in Nazi Germany!!
Jk Rowling's says Muslims should not be held responsible so far so good;
but Wait for it.......
She makes herself look stupid by going all Dumbledore when she points out that Muslims kill themselves now this shows ignorance and just plain meanness that these Islamic people possess. Thank you Jk Rowlings for pointing that out. I almost forgot that they Terrorize their own people.
Finally after the horrific tragedy in Paris by Extreme Muslims we get the best one yet apparently Muslims don't kill people but Americans with too many guns do even though I swear My American friends with guns were back in the states not in Paris at the Time Cmon Liam Neeson in fact we are going to see in Taken 3 Liam Neeson Fights off Kidnappers with a feather duster instead of a Gun.