Saturday, May 31, 2014

Punish The Guilty not The Innocent

I tried my best to see other peoples views on things but no matter how many times gynecologist will tell everyone about a baby in a mother's womb at twenty to twenty five weeks people do not believe that the baby is human. You can even tell the sex of the child at around that time. It already has a living beating heart. I love science and through easy research you can see there is something living inside the mothers womb. I suggest you just google it yourself the actual growth of the child inside a mothers womb. This is all I want from people is just to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. I know Slavery is bad and you can look in history the wars on the debate floor against it. There were probably libertarian type people in that day who would probably say hey if you think slavery is bad just do not own a slave. There were also people especially in that day who could not bear the thought of a person being treated less than human. In fact our Constitution dictated them as three fifths human. I know most people would be upset that a living breathing human with a beating heart beat is less than human. This is because we're human and cannot see eye to eye on everything. Benjamin Franklin would start his petition against slavery in 1790 he wanted things done legally and I respect that as well. This was the compromise that was used to get the Unites States Constitution going. That is what Michael Burgess and of course Texas Governor want to do as well. I see a twenty week abortion ban as a compromise and it is. Slavery was because of the selfishness of mankind. Man wanted to save money so here comes slavery to fix that problem. The same way most abortions are selfish women who want to keep their lifestyle unchanged and a man who wants to relieve himself of any responsibility. He does not want to take responsibility for his actions so he coerces the woman into getting an Abortion. Lazy and unfit men love abortions they love to be free to live like children pollinating their seed to every woman around while you the woman still suffer symptoms of pregnancy even when you decide to have an abortion. I know really think about a twenty week abortion ban and see how reasonable it is and I am going to write this argument for a twenty week Abortion ban as though I am Pro-Abortion . It is twenty weeks you know you are pregnant and if you have not figured that out you have bigger issues. Seriously you cannot figure out in twenty weeks whether or not that you want a baby, it is your body you should know right then and there when you find out you're pregnant you are a smart woman. What are you trying to do contact the man a true feminist does not need a man? I cannot see why anyone would get upset over this law. I think people who would get upset are people who do not think it is far enough on restrictions.

No Says "When will Your Fetus be Born"?
 It is by the grace of God that I am not Catholic and I love my Catholic Friends especially my American Catholic Friends. I worked with a guy when our commonwealth was executing another murderer and the co-worker was Catholic and he said he was Catholic but in so many words he was happy that this guy was getting executed. I am sure I am not happy when one is killed for executing but I understand that justice has to be served. It just makes sense and it is Biblical to return the sword of justice on people who take the life from someone. I do not and will not understand anyone who is a pacifist of course I truly believe the movement of pacifism is gone away just see every revenge movie ever made and it will show you that the pacifist movement is pretty much dead. I think libertarians who do not believe in return justice are likened to the same people who bow down and get run over by tyranny like many people in the past. We return justice to people to remind others to give them a swift kick of rationality this helps to make the next person who wants to commit a transgression of someone's rights to think twice. I cannot see how anyone could compare the killing of a murderer to the killing of the Innocent twenty week old child, I have seen some people who have compared the killing of the Innocent child as that as of the death of a murderer how can you compare someone who was born without his or hers consent who is innocent who has just been brought into the world to that of a raging lunatic who has raped and then murdered someone there is no comparison. This is mentality we deal with day to day. Does that mean I am Pro-death? I guess it does if you take another life and I require justice sure God is a God of Justice and I am made in his own Image. I do not see anything Biblical about "Pacifism". I never will. You libertarians who do believe in justice but at the same time shame big Government will see why you have big Government because you do not want to punish government now I know a lot of Libertarians do like to punish and good for you. You will learn as you grow it is not just important to inflict justice but it is the responsibility of every American to hand out justice starting at home first.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Your love of Tyranny does not trump the blood of Patriots

 If you have not read the Open letter of Joe the plumber  you can in the link that I have just given. I hope Joe is not guilty of what I have found myself being guilty of you know having an emotional response to an emotional response. You see liberals will always be irrational looking for something to blame than the fallen creature that is man. You see that is what was different than the founding fathers of yesterday than the newly bribed congressman of today, they knew that with too much power man will become evil and that is human nature. Man is not a god that is why there is the Ten Commandments, Hammurabi's law,Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence and finally The UNited States Constitution which really limits the Fallen creature Man in government and all you have to do is read and understand it literally and see the limitations of a strong central government in the document.

 It is April 19, 1775 when Lexington and Concord happened. On this day a certain Major was ordered to take away the weapons which most likely be rifles from the the Massachusetts residents associated with a rebellious militia. They the rebels had the most technologically advanced weapon of that day to defend themselves against what nobody thought would happen oh maybe a few conspiracy theorist like the crazy Adams Brothers you know the ones Samuel and John Adams they were in your history books. It did happen and that day the rebel Militia and I call them The Rebel Militia and the reason why was that there had always been Militias you know who fought against Natives that would attack the forts and towns and this did happen regardless what history want you believe that Native American tribes were just hippies when in truth some were just mean who hated the white man over here. They the Native Americans were under Tribal laws and some liked the White man and some well hated the White man different tribes different folks and they were still a little bitter from that time that Some Native American Tribes joined with the French in the French and the Indian war and you better be glad we won that one or we might have been praying to the Pope or worse be like French Canada I am just Joking I love Celine Dion really I do. The point is there were evil Native Americans that would attack the colonist and there were Militias designed to handle that. The Militia was fully under the Massachusetts Governor Gage now because of the Massachusetts Government Act of May 1774 and you better believe that was a slap in the face of King George. So now that Massachusetts had given itself more power, anything the British Royal Forces would do would seem like an Invasion. Imagine a division of The United States military arresting someone without a local Judge's warrant just coming to your state trumping the laws of your state like a I guess lets Call them the Department Of Homeland Security. Well this Militia stopped those DHS oh I Mean British royal Army guys from arresting and usurping the authority the Massachusetts state had given themselves. Now this battle was important because it led to why our founders wanted the second Amendment. I am sure the founders loved hunting that is not the case for the second Amendment. It was not just for the fact that they needed to fight foreign wars and I am sure that was a good thing. It was because in the case of all the Militias that King George could have enabled against the colonist it was so that regular guys like you and me could defend ourselves against an evil Militia because they just showed in the battle of Lexington and the Battle of Concord that it could happen and the Conspiracy Theorist Like Adams were right. It did not give the man the right to own a gun no the 2nd Amendment just said yes we agree it is your God given right for you to have one and to be able to own a gun because we cannot see in the future and you need the best because we had access to the best and we fought and died so you could owned the best. 7,200 Americans died in battle during the Revolution another 10,000 died from disease or exposure and about 8,500 died in British prisons that is a lot of people who sacrificed so we could have a gun in case of tyranny.

 I know many of us have been coddled by the civil government and every time you sign to get something free just like education or birth control or health care or whatever "Free stuff" that is taken forcefully by working individuals who give to The Civil Government and is redistributed to you. Every Time you submit and bow you give away some of your freedoms. You give away your Privacy in Public Housing why because you do not own them. You give away your childrens right to think and privacy when you take the Civil Government education because you do not own the schools. You give the right to see the doctor of your choosing when you take their free "Healthcare" because you do not own that either. One reason the statist push God out of everywhere is because you do not get Atheism you get Humanism you get people who worship man . Something our founders hated from the Atheist Thomas Paine to The Christian James Madison they knew what Man is capable of . Look at the Thousands of Massacres in history all because of Man regardless of races and Creeds and the only thing that stop a man high off of too much power is a strong rebellion sometimes violent and sometimes peaceful but the point there will always be a need and that is why these men yes real men John kerry penned that 2nd amendment.

 A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

 I think Thomas Jefferson said it best 
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manureIf you think these guys did not want us the the common man to have access to the best weapon out there just read your history and come back to me.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

It's Time to Man up and read the Constitution Kerry!

 John kerry tells Edward Snowden to Man up! What John Kerry acts like he is John Wayne and tells Edward Snowden to Man up did anyone else besides me find this Hilarious? I think it is so funny in the western culture that we relate taking responsibility to being a man. It is so true go a few weeks as a man without a job and see how many people will tell you are a less of a man without a job. You never see anyone tell the woman who acts like a child and lives a life of perversion and just becomes a baby making machine for the state living off the backs of working individuals that she is less of a woman. Well I am you are a lazy slut and you need stop living off hard working individuals simple as that.

Snowden I am Calling You out!
 I find this funny with a party that discourages any male uplifting I am talking about the Castrated Democratic fascist party and their chairwoman and whatever disgusting candidates they have that want to end a life of a child in a mother's womb at twenty weeks like Abortion Barbie  does while the Child has a heartbeat. You know those killers at the Democratic party filled with backing by the religious leaders of the Nazi Feminist cult. Thats right Kerry who is affiliated with the socialist party we call democrats tells Snowden to man up. He wants to silence Snowden because he leaked Information that we the American people needed to know about our fourth amendment rights being violated.Kerry who is a veteran of the Vietnam War who knows about injustice has no compassion or empathy for a guy wanting to bring justice back to America.

 So let me get this straight. We as men are less of men for not taking responsibility for our actions. Then why does the government take responsibility for men? Let me give you an example Bertha walks in the welfare office " I need money for my child" . The welfare office gladly gives money to Bertha because that poor woman was too stupid to go to the health place and get Free Birth Control so now the working man who is trying to take care of my own children and yes as a man they are mine and just as well as my wifes kids I would not take care of something I did not have responsibility for unless I am forced. I now I have to take responsibility for Bertha's and her illegitimate lover's  kids. A true Conservative takes care of his kids Why because as a conservative that is what we do. We do not expect hand outs and it does not matter how poor we are or rich we are and sometimes we rely on faith and things that the great god the Civil Government will not understand. Now Bertha Tells the welfare office she does not know who the father is she still gets a check because the democratic civil government wants to take responsibility from the man. Okay so we have a whole lot of single moms in this country but if we start an organization like the Promise Keepers that want men to Man up and take care of their own family. It is mocked and hated. I would not doubt it will be on the group list of terrorist one day. You try to start any support group for any men to help them to become responsible and see the Liberal Feminist nazis go off on them like they are a hate group. So how can John Kerry who is part of this group of people who want to get rid of male responsibility worthy of telling Edward Snowden to man up!??